13 February 2011

heaven is for real

I just finished this book.  It took me less than 24 hours to read it.  My mom said that once I start reading it I won't be able to put it down.  She was right.  It was a wonderfully inspiring story.  I highly recommend it.  HIGHLY!  I expected it to be a nice little story that would encourage the hearts of those who have had loved ones die and go to heaven.  But I was wrong.  It will touch many hearts: 

Any woman who has had a miscarriage, your heart will be encouraged.
Anyone who doubts heaven and hell is real, your lack of faith will be challenged.
Anyone who feels that their prayers are falling on deaf ears, your prayer life will be radically changed.  
Anyone who thinks they are getting into heaven without accepting Christ as their Savior, Colton Burpo has a few urgent things to say to you...

Read a portion of the book here.  When you buy the book, make sure you chisel out a few hours to plow through it.  Trust me.   

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