03 March 2011

little hands praying

Sometimes as a parent you think, "Is anything I'm saying actually getting through to my kids?"  Then there are days when there is a glimmer of light that makes you scream, "Yes!  Thank you, God!"

Well, the other day I was in the middle of correcting Callan.  I usually go into a room and close the door so that Kinsley can't interrupt us, but this time I actually brought Kinsley with me so that she would not climb down the stairs.  I was in the middle of explaining to Callan that what he did was sinful and that Jesus came to die for our sins.  Well, I looked over at this point and Kinsley was standing up in between Callan and me with her hands folded, ready to pray!  We have been teaching her to fold her hands together when we pray at the dinner table, and when she heard me say "Jesus" she automatically put her little hands in the praying position.  I said, "Callan, I think Kinsley wants us to pray to Jesus now to ask him to forgive you for your sins."

Then today we were in the car, on our way to run some errands.  I've gotten in the habit lately of praying with Callan when we're in the car going somewhere, telling him that we have to ask Jesus to help him to obey Mommy while we make our errands.  So I said to Callan, "Let's pray while we are on our way to the store so we can ask God to help Callan and Kinsley to obey Mommy and help Mommy to respond in patience."  

He immediately folded his hands, and I began praying for us.  While I was praying, I looked in my rear view mirror to Kinsley sitting in the back and saw that she had also folded her hands and was praying along with us!  

How precious it is to see four little hands praying.

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