24 March 2011

odd obsessions

We often describe our son in two words: compassionate and passionate.  He's very compassionate, always giving us hugs and kisses.  He often tackles his sister to the ground because of his big hugs.  He's also very passionate about the things he loves.  When he becomes obsessed with something, he becomes OBSESSED with it.  Sleeps with it.  Eats with it.  Goes to the bathroom with it.  Watches tv with it.  

Here are some pictures of him taking his owl in the car with him.  He knows that he's not allowed to bring it inside the store when we get there, but he loves to bring it along for the ride.  He says, "It scare people, Mommy."  Yep.  We tell him that carrying the owl inside the store might scare people.  

And these next pictures would be him coming out of the store.  He was the most behaved he's ever been in the store because I allowed him to carry a cucumber and tomato while he sat in the cart.  He was just introduced to VeggieTales recently...and Bob the Tomato and Larry the Cucumber.  When we went to check out, the cashier put everything in bags and Callan started screaming, "Mommy!  Where's Larry and Bob?!"  I had to search through the bags to find "Larry" and "Bob" before he had a breakdown.  

So for a few days he was obsessed with this cucumber and tomato.  I didn't allow him to carry the tomato around the house (for obvious reasons), but he slept with the cucumber for a few nights.  He randomly came up to me yesterday at lunch and said, "Cut, Larry, Mommy."  So we cut and ate him for lunch, although Callan didn't think he tasted very good.  

Like people always tell me, there are many worse things for him to be attached to!

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