22 March 2011

today's snapshot: Owl

This is Callan with his new favorite toy, Owl the plastic lawn ornament.  I blame this one on Gene.  We were in Walmart looking for some seeds for our garden, and Callan spotted this owl.  He instantly became OBSESSED with it!  He kept running away from us to go back to stare at the owl.  I walked away to look at something else in the store, and when I came back Callan was walking around holding the owl.  Gene said he told Callan he'd buy him the $9.99 owl for his birthday.  Oh my!

Ever since this weekend, Callan won't let the owl out of his site.  We've had some pretty hilarious conversations about this owl this weekend...

Me: (in car coming home from Walmart) What are you going to call your owl?
Callan: Mommy, his name is Owl.  (said in a "duh" type of voice)

Callan: (while walking up the stairs in front of Gene) My owl is beauuuuuutiful!  I love you, Owl! (hugs it)

Callan: (talking to Gene while Gene is getting ready for work...I'm still half asleep in the next room but can hear everything that they're saying)  My owl is beautiful, Daddy!
Gene: I think Mommy is more beautiful, don't you think?
Callan: Noooo!  My owl is beautiful!

Me: (coming out of the grocery store with Callan)  Hold my hand while we cross the street.
Callan: (spotting Gene's Isuzu Trooper and forgetting that we drove to the store in it) Oh, Daddy's Trooper!!!  (he LOVES riding in it)
Callan: (getting into the car and spotting his owl, which he forgot he brought along in the car) Oh, MY OWL!  MY OWL!  It's beautiful!

Yesterday Callan picked some owl books out at the library.  Last night while Gene was reading one to him before bed, Gene said Callan kept saying, "Oh, Daddy!  My owl!" on every page.

One thing is for certain...Kinsley already knows what sound an owl makes!  

I agree with Callan's BFF.  He is CRAAAAAZZZY!  haha

1 comment:

Ali said...

My in laws have that same owl on their deck that they sit by their pool to keep birds away. Alex loves it too. She plays with it in the back yard, takes it down her slide, in her powerwheels car, etc. Too funny!!