29 May 2011

more Callan conversations

Me: I went to the doctor's today and got to hear the baby's heartbeat again.  Remember when you went with me and heard the baby's heartbeat?
C: Did they take the baby out of your belly yet?

C:  (while we're in the car driving the other day) Mommy, I want to pray for Noah. 
Me: Ok.  What Noah do you want to pray for?  Big Noah or Little Noah?  (He has two Noah friends...one who is younger and one who is older than he is.)
C: Big Noah.
Me: Ok.  Go ahead and pray for him.
C: Jesus, be with Big Noah.  Amen.
Me: Is there anything else that you want to pray for Noah?
C: Yes.  Noah's Mommy.
Me: Ok.  Jesus, please be with Noah's Mommy, too, and help the baby in her tummy to grow big and strong just like the one in my tummy.  Amen.
C: Amen.

I LOVE it when he spontaneously asks to pray.  I've been trying to teach him that he can pray anywhere/anytime...not just at bedtime and at the dinner table.

A few weeks ago in church I was holding Callan during worship because he likes to leave his class to come sing with us from time to time.  It was only a few Sundays after Easter, and the congregation was singing a song about Jesus being raised from the dead.  That's when this conversation unfolded in the middle of singing...

Me: Callan, we're singing a song about Jesus.  Remember when at Easter we celebrated how he died on the cross for our sins and then he rose again and is no longer dead?  
C: Mommy, that's just like Bob and Larry!  (referring to his Easter Veggie Tales DVD)

Yep, Callan, Jesus is just like Larry the cucumber and Bob the tomato.  haha

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