29 November 2011

minnie vs mini

I was changing Kinsley's diaper the other night right before Gene and I left for our date night.  When I sat her up, she looked right at me in the sweetest voice and said, "Mommy, you look pretty."  I almost cried!  It was so sweet.  I guess putting on a little make-up for date night really made a big difference!

Today at lunch I was eating some new crackers I got called Mini Triscuits.  Callan asked me what I was eating and I said, "They are mini triscuits."  A few minutes later I pulled out a cracker that was stuck to several other crackers, making it twice as big as the other mini triscuits.  Callan replied, "Mommy, that must be a Mickey cracker." 

Oh. My. Gosh.  That mind of his never stops.

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