23 March 2012

food addict

This girl is addicted to food.  Food, food, food!  She'll try anything new.  She doesn't always like it, but if you set something down on the table that she's never seen before, she'll ask you what it is immediately.  The other day she tried crab cakes for the first time because she was curious.  She loved them.  They are one of her favorite foods now.  

If I feed Finn a new baby food, she always asks me what it is and asks if she can try it.  Today we went to BounceU.  Her first question was, "Mommy, will there be snacks there?"  

She was the last one out of the snack room today at BounceU.  Most kids ate a few crackers and went bouncing back to play.  Not her.  She sat there until all of her goldfish crackers were eaten.  Every.  Single.  One.  

We were walking out of the mall the other day.  There happened to be two girls walking a little ways ahead of us carrying a Little Caesar's pizza.  She started walking after them saying, "I want some of their Crazy Bread."  Gene had to grab her and tell her that we don't ask strangers for their food.

Most of her tantrums these days are over food.  If Callan eats all his food and gets dessert before her, she'll throw a tantrum.  She's been known to put all the food on her plate into her mouth at once just to say that she's "done" and get a treat.  That's what happened in this picture...

I noticed all of her meat from her plate was gone.  I told her to spit the food back out before she choked.  Out came SIX pieces of ham.

The other day she came bouncing into the room that I was in.  I must have been licking my lips or something because she made a beeline right to me and said, "Mommy, what you eating?"  I told her that I didn't have anything in my mouth.  She didn't believe me, so I had to stick out my tongue to prove to her that I wasn't eating anything.  She doesn't want to be left out when food is involved!

She's known for carrying around her plastic food from her kitchen (and sleeping with it in her bed).  Her favorite?  All the junk food....plastic brownies, ice cream cones, cake, cupcakes, etc.

The other day I had to measure the kids waistlines to order some clothes online.  I was surprised to see that Callan and Kinsley both had the same measurements!  I told Kinsley, "You have a big belly, Girl!"  Her response?  "Yeah, just like Mary."  (referring to pregnant Mary, Jesus' Mother)

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