20 August 2012

Callan's Dreams - The Bad and the Good

I love the phase that Callan is in right now.  He is starting to think for himself and put spins on the things we've been telling him.  We've always prayed before dinner and before bed, but a few weeks ago Callan had a really bad nightmare which he clearly remembered as having a mean 4 armed squid.

Every night since, Callan has asked me to pray for him that he wouldn't have a bad dream.  Very cute and sweet.

Well today when I got home from work Callan greeted me and was eager to let me know that the praying had worked and he had a good dream

Here's how he described it, "Daddy it was a really great dream.  I saw a yellow Yoshi and he let me ride on his back.  The best part was that the yellow Yoshi had pedals so that I could ride it.  It was so fun!"

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