08 September 2012

L week

This past week was Callan's first week of preschool.  I'm homeschooling him this year as a trial to see if we want to homeschool "for real" next year.  He LOVED it.  I think he loved the one-on-one attention the most.  He even woke up today (Saturday) and asked if we could do school.  Hopefully his enthusiasm will continue!

My two goals for preK this year was to focus on Callan's interests (mainly animals) and to have a structured bible curriculum so that he is learning scripture.  The curriculum that I'm using is largely from the Raising Rock Stars PreK curriculum from the 1plus1plus1equals1 website.  I'm also adding in a lot of my own stuff based on Callan's interests.  So far I love it, and so does he.  We're also planning on using this Raising Rock Stars site for our family worship night, starting next week. 

Each week focuses on a letter.  This week was "L" week (the RRS curric starts with the easiest to write letters first).  Here are a few highlights from our week:

--reading books on leopards, lizards, lions and ladybugs
--learning the sight word "see"
--learning the Days of the Week via this song
--making a September calendar
--learning L words
--praying for all the people we know who have L names (our neighbors, Miss Liz and Miss Laura, and Miss Lauren and Miss Leslie...you were all covered in prayer this week!)
--starting our ABC book by pasting in L words on page 1
--searching the house for L items
--learning Matthew 5:16
--singing "This little light of mine" and doing "The Lion (Hokey) Pokey"   
--Callan reading his first book, "I See"

tracing the L on all his L words

cutting all his L pictures out...
...and gluing them into his ABC book that he'll be creating throughout the year

coloring and assembling his candle that goes with his bible verse for the week

L week papers
I made some animal fact cards that Callan will be filling out each week.  Gene is helping him draw the animal on the back of each card.  Then I'll laminate them all and put them together in a book for him to keep.  He loves telling me random animal facts for me to write on his cards.

Our verse for the week...he had it memorized quickly!

looking for states that begin with the letter L (with his binoculars...because it's more fun that way)

Showing that his verse he cut and glued together is almost taller than he is!
Guess what?  I have a class clown on my hands.  I could have never predicted that! haha
Kinsley wanted to join in on the fun on Saturday.  I pulled out some of my L stuff from this curriculum that I used with Callan a few years ago.

Callan's favorite part of the whole week was using his sight word ("see") to look around the room and see if we could find any items that begin with the letter L.  He asked to do this every day!  He loved it!  (Here he sees Larryboy.)

...and his leopard & ladybug books.

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