05 August 2006

Time to Hit the Road!

The saying "Hit the Road" brings back fond memories of one of my favorite books as a child called Amelia Bedelia Goes Camping. In the book someone tells Amelia that it's time to hit the road, and she literally goes out and takes a stick and hits the road. Ahhh, such dumb humor that kept me well occupied as a child.

Anyway, it's finally here! We'll be leaving today to start our journey out west. We haven't "hit the road" yet but rather have been packing bags up to our noses, cleaning the house, running last minute errands, running more errands, finding a babysitter for our pet fish, Ur, and squeezing in one last shower before we leave. (Gene's very fond of just driving until we can't drive any farther, pulling over in the nearest rest stop, and taking a short nap before taking off again. I've told him that it is necessary for him to shower every now and then...especially when I'll be sitting so close to him in the car! Pray for me, guys! haha) We are very excited, though....especially me because the farthest west I've ever been is Kentucky. As we get ready to depart today, some of our prayers are: safety in travel, that my Nissan Altima would make it to the Pacific and back, that Gene and I would both grow in serving one another and not being selfish on this trip (as we spend the next 16 days in a very small car), and that God would bless us with many fun memories! Would you join us in prayer as we leave today?

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Can't wait to see you guys on the west coast... and hear about your adventures on the way there! :) Be praying for you...