28 March 2007

Getting Healthy?

So as some of you may know I am in the midst of a "Biggest Loser" competition with the guys in my married Care Group from church. It's a four-on-four competition.

Now some of you may say, "Gene you don't need to lose weight." but alas though my weight hasn't increased since getting married, my shape has. Funny thing about getting fatter, when your muscle turns to blubber your weight doesn't change but the size of me increases. I've always said I won't get above 180 cuz then I'd officially be in the "over fat" category which is just above normal. But as some of you commented on last summer's Family Reunion pics, I was not only sadly white, but a little mooshy around the waist line.

So the Biggest Loser competition has 2 1/2 weeks left in it, and I've lost 10 pounds of belly mass just drinking more water and replacing my pizza lunches with oatmeal.

Now with the last few weeks in view my "strategy" is to do 500 crunches each day (which I've done every day but 3 for the past month) and to be able to do a mile rollerblading in 3 minutes and 50 seconds. My trial time today was 4:57...just sad.

I'll let you know of my successes or losses. Tomorrow I promise to let ya'll know what I find out about Pauly. Thanks so much for your prayers and concern over "him" the past week.

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