We both loved seeing all the beautiful wildlife in Yellowstone. You could always tell where the "animal jams" (as the park rangers called them) were because you would drive around a corner and see dozens of cars parked haphazardly all over the road and people running from their cars with their cameras. We would just roll down our window and yell to someone, "What is it?" and then they would yell back, "Male elk down in the woods!" and we'd pull over and follow the rushing crowd. So much fun! In fact, we weren't in the park long before we saw a moose. That REALLY excited Gene. Here are some pictures of the other animals we saw. 

This elk was very content just hanging out under the shade by the road. Everyone jumped out of their cars to see this huge animal. Since there wasn't a park ranger around, everyone got REALLY close to it, too.....just a few feet away!

This was a mule deer by our camp site. Luckily we didn't have any sit on our heads while we were sleeping (always a worry of mine).
Bison, bison, bison EVERYWHERE! No sooner did we see the "Watch out for bison" sign that we ran into herds of them taking baths and hanging out alongside the road.

This one was walking right down the middle of the road. We could have reached out and touched it from our car window.

Beep! Beep! Coming through!
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