26 September 2007

Little Jokull is Looking Good

Jokull (pronounced "Joe-Cool") is Gene's name for the baby, while it's in the womb at least. He found it while flipping through the Baby Names book. I wouldn't allow it to be added to "the list" of possible names, but it works for a pre-birth name. Gene liked it because of how it's pronounced and because it means "glacier or ice." I guess it's a guy thing (or rather a guy who is obsessed with Antarctica).

Anyway, Jokull had another Dr. appt today. The heartbeat is sounding good! Dr. Apgar said everything looks great! Jokull is really pulling through! I just hope that Jokull is as good of a baby outside the womb as he/she is inside. No morning sickness so far. No extreme tiredness. Life is good! Praise God!

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