01 November 2007

More than just a blob on the screen

Gene went with me today to my 20 week appointment, and the Dr. said that everything looks great! The Dr. had told me to clear a few hours for this appointment (even the nurse looked at him weird when he said that) but it was one of my fastest appointments yet! My appointment was for 3:00 (of course we didn't go in right away) and I was in the car driving away by 3:45. All of the baby's measurements equaled out to the size of a 20 week year old baby, and since I'm 19 weeks and 5 days, the sonogram technician said that I'm perfectly on track! All of the measurements were good and there was no abnormal bleeding in the baby's brain or anything like that they said. The technician was great, talking us through every single movement she made on the screen.

The baby kept moving around very quickly. I guess we have quite the active one growing inside me (must be a mini-Gene). The baby kept putting his/her arms up over its head. What a miracle! We saw the spinal cord, the brain, the four chambers of the heart, the umbilical cord, and two arms and two legs (yeah!). And, we made it through the appointment without finding out the sex. No slips!

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