28 October 2008

4 Years of Bliss

As Renee and I close in on 4 sweet years of marriage there are many things I'd like to tell you about her. It just so happens that in my Bible-in-a Year reading I read Proverbs 31, which described Renee in a lot of ways.

I love the way my wife loves to take care of things around the house (as many of you love about her too).

I love the fact that she sings silly songs to Callan at dinner.

I love the way she is faithful to listen to church messages she misses and to make time with God a priority even in this busy season of motherhood.

I love watching how patient she is with Callan.

I love it (though I may mock her at times) when she goes to CVS for a free sample of dish soap and calls it a good deal. The best part is seeing her smile while she's doing it.

I love knowing that my wife is a faithful steward of everything we have and manages to do a lot and still stick to our budget. It's amazing.

I love the way Renee serves people when they come over.

I love the way Renee is faithful to pray each day for me, callan, and many of you....there's an organized prayer calendar on our fridge.

I love that when I was sick last week, she not only took care of Callan, but also let me sleep and took care of me too.

I love taking walks with my wife and holding her hand (which at times is tricky while pushing a stroller)

I love she cries during Extreme Makeover: Home Edition

I love the fact that she chose to give a guy like me a chance to be her husband for which I am eternally grateful.

I love the way she excepts my odd interests and sometimes out of nowhere will ask a random question about one of them like "How does punting work?"

Can't wait to see what God has in store for our next year together!!!

Love you Babe.

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