09 December 2008

Timber...x 3 (no joke!)

In my other post about my friend's tree (Gretchen) falling down, I warned my other friend (Pamela) that she better watch out because her Christmas tree is bound to fall over since we refer to ourselves as the three clone babies. (I'll have to explain that in another post.) Little did I know that Pamela's tree HAD already fallen down, too!! You can read about her story HERE. What are the chances that all three of our trees fell within a few days of each other?! It's The Bigprank...it's lurking....when will it strike next?? (Again, "The Bigprank" is something I'll have to explain in a later post.)


Gretchen said...

It is the BigPrank! What are the chances that it would happen to all three of us the same year?! People reading these posts must think we are crazy! How can we ever explain the BigPrank? Maybe it wasn't Gracie that knocked my tree down... maybe it was "Wendy"....

Karen said...

I can't find your email...I just wanted to tell you that the black and white photo of Callan is BEAUTIFUL!!!