01 January 2009

9 Months Old

Our little Goober is 9 months old today!
Here are 9 things we love about him:

1. the way he bops his head to music and does a little "head" dance.
2. the way he waves when you say "bye-bye."
3. the way he sometimes doesn't wave bye-bye...until everyone has gone out of the room and then he utters a "bye-bye" sound while waving to himself.
4. the way he makes a "snorting" and "snarling" sound with his nose when he's happy.
5. the way he leaned into me today about a dozen times with his mouth open and gave me "kisses."
6. the way he put his cheek up to my lips so I could give him kisses.
7. watching him play with his 13 Tonka trucks that he got for Christmas. He's all boy!
8. watching him crawl around the house with a toy shoved in his mouth.
9. the way he looks like he's playing a guitar in the above picture.


Kristin said...

That's a great picture! I like the one at the top too.

The Marcantonios said...

Excellent air guitar. Callan and Jack will have to have a jam session!