06 January 2009

Still growing!

Callan had his 9-month appointment yesterday. We got the same outcome as last month...we still have a long and lean healthy boy! He got one shot and even had to have the 9-month blood-taking done at the lab (just like a real adult...with the rubber band tied around his arm and everything). He didn't cry at either one. He's such a tough little guy (just like his mommy)!

Actually, I had flashbacks of when my mom had to drag me into the hospital when I was little because I had to get blood taken. She had to pry off my little pink raincoat and hold me while the nurse drew my blood. My brother and sister sat in a big brown chair next to me and watched. Yeah---it's all still very clear in my mind. Hopefully Callan won't remember this e
xperience as clearly as I remembered mine.

The funniest part of the whole appointment was when we were waiting in the waiting room along with another mom and her 9-month old girl. In attempt to keep them both from growing restless as we both waited to be called back, we let them crawl around while we chatted about our children. They were both playing on the floor together, and I suddenly looked down to see my son and her daughter kissing! I rushed to grab Callan while muttering something about being gentle to little girls. We both ended up laughing about it (I'm glad she didn't seem offended). He usually doesn't even bother with other kids when he's playing around them. He'd rather play by himself. But yesterday he was all over this poor little girl! I guess I can mark down his first kiss as taking place at 9-months old with "Sophie."

I blame his cousin, Avery, who was all over him at Christmas giving him kisses. :)
WEIGHT = 19 lbs. 2 oz
LENGTH = 28 1/4 inches

"Dad, are you sure it's ok to drink soda?
Mom usually doesn't allow me to have this much sugar?"

"Ok. If you say so."

"Eww. I think I'll stick with nursing."

(No, we didn't really give him soda. He just periodically makes this face!)

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