30 April 2010

Do you want fries with that?

Yesterday was a very stressful day. Callan woke up with pink eye and an ear infection. Kinsley had several diaper blow-outs. Lots of laundry. Our 3rd doctor visit this month. Cleaning the new house. Cleaning our current house. More laundry.

My breaking point came when I pulled up to the drive-thru window at CVS (for the 2nd time that day) to pick up Callan's medicine. I had stopped by after Callan's appt. to pick up his meds, but they of course were not ready yet. So, I made another trip there in the afternoon. I had just been there twice earlier this month to get prescriptions for Kinsley and Callan, so I was not prepared for the pharmacist to say, "We don't have record of your insurance in our system so you'll have to come back later with your prescription card." I told the lady that this was impossible because I had just gotten prescriptions earlier that month, and they had my information then. She said there was nothing she could do...so I angrily sped away from the drive-thru with tears welling up in my eyes.

Kinsley hadn't had a good nap all day since I had to drag her to Callan's appt and then to CVS, twice! Callan was screaming for milk from the back seat even after I explained to him several million times that I had forgotten to bring along his milk. Needless to say, the CVS lady had provided more "heat" to my situation, and I broke down. I couldn't possibly make a 3rd trip to CVS that day!

As I was driving out of the CVS parking lot, God graciously reminded me that I had placed my prescription card in a hidden compartment in my purse earlier that month. I had thought that it was at home, but I had it with me the whole time! So, I drove around the block and headed back to the CVS drive-thru window. This time, however, there was a huge long line and so I had to wait for 30 minutes in the car with my "milk-hungry" son.

I finally made it up to the window and got Callan's prescriptions, all the while thinking, "Fight for joy, Renee! Fight for joy!" God always seems to provide laughter at just the right time...and he usually uses my two-year old son to do it. As I pulled up to the drive-thru window at CVS, Callan said, "Momma, fries? Momma, fries?" At first I couldn't understand why he was asking for fries all of the sudden. But then I realized that I was at a drive-up window, and he thought he was getting fries from CVS. (As a disclaimer, I really don't feed my son fast food fries that often. It must be all those PA trips we've had to make recently.)

So, I ended up laughing as I explained to Callan that we were getting him medicine, not fries, at this drive-up window. I love it when God stops you in your tracks and gives you the gift of laughter...at just the right time. :)

1 comment:

Brian, Tawnee, Avery and Caitlin said...

Beat ya...4 dr appointments for us this month so far! haha