11 May 2010

conversations with callan

Callan is obsessed with peanut butter lately. He'll eat spoonfuls of it if you let him. I often give him a piece of bread with peanut butter and he'll have it devoured within a minute or two.

At lunch today I asked Callan if he wanted a peanut butter sandwich. He replied, "No, Mama. Peanut butter and bread."

I guess we'll have to work on the meaning of "sandwich."

Another thing that he began saying lately is "friends." He thinks the other neighbor kids outside at the playground are all his friends. When he sees we're getting ready to go outside, he'll begin to say "friends" over and over again. He even prefers his "friends" over the slide now.

Gene said he took him out to the playground the other night and when he got closer to the other kids playing there he began waving and saying, "Hi, friends!"

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