03 May 2010

what I love

> I love nursing Kinsley...and not rushing on to the next task when I'm done but instead continuing to hold her and make her giggle. Life seems so simple during those moments.

> I love hearing Kinsley begin to cry and watch Callan rush to her side to give her a kiss.

> I love watching Callan show Kinsley his dinosaurs and showing her how they "growl."

> I love it when Callan crawls into my lap and grabs my face to give me a soft kiss on my cheek...and then bounces off my lap to continue playing. What a sweet moment in my day.

> I love getting a surprise email from my hubby in my Inbox...just to say I love you.

> I love getting a bouquet of gerber daisies from my two boys.

> I love spinning around in circles with Callan in the middle of the mall and hearing him giggle with delight.

> I love it when Callan just wakes up from his nap and is still groggy and wants to cuddle.

> I love learning the names of new animals from Callan.

> I love cuddling on the couch for reading time with the kids.

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