08 June 2011

cheap-o puppets

The other day I saw this idea on a blog (can't seem to find the link now)...puppets out of empty toilet paper rolls.  I just happened to find three empty rolls at the top of the trash can, so I snatch them out of there to do this project with Callan.  He LOVES them!  He wanted to make a moose (big surprise there!), and I suggested that we make a penguin for Daddy and a duck for Kinsley.  (She is obsessed with ducks lately.  She LOVES to wear her duck pjs at night.)  Callan also requested a big smile on his moose.

It was so cute to hear Callan use his imagination to create conversations between the puppets.  We just painted the rolls and then glued on the other pieces.  I hot glued a plastic knife to the inside to use as a stick (since we didn't have anything else like a popsicle stick or straw to use).  Yep, you heard that correctly.  My children are playing with knives. 


Gotta love an el-cheapo craft project for the kids!

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