09 August 2011

Baby Numero Tres: 3:16

So there's not much to report.  Renee's pitocin level is 28 out of 30 and although she "should" be experiencing discomfort right now, she's actually taking a nap.  Her pain is 1 out of 10 although she has been dilating.  I'm not sure exactly where she's at right now.  The pitocin always had taken awhile to kick in and with Kinsley Renee went from 4cm to 10cm within a half hour and then only pushed for 20 minutes.  Baby Numero Tres has exactly and hour and a half to beat Kinsley's time.

Interesting note - the nurse said most people experience lots of discomfort and hate pitocin although there have been reports that a few women experience reduced pain due to pitocin (it actually blocks the pain sensors).  So I guess pitocin gives Renee super powers although makes for a mild "labor" if you can call it that.

Final reports to come...

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