15 October 2012

F week

For "F" week we...
--made foxes out of the letter F
--learned John 3:16
--learned the word "for" and read the booklet "A Friend for Me"
--prayed for Finn and practiced writing his name
--did a bunch of firefighter activities from here (puzzle, board game, large floor puzzle, labeling a firefighter, learning more than and less than using firefighter objects)
--did a bunch of fish activities from here
--Kins and Callan both made a frog
--read about fish, foxes, frogs and Fall
--made a Huston Fall Leaf Family from leaves we collected on our fall walk
--learned a frog song
--used my leaf punch-out to punch a bunch of colorful fall leaves and glued them on a number chart


It seems that during F week we often did school in our pajamas.  :)

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