30 December 2012

out of the mouth of our 3 year old

The other day I was having Kinsley and Callan drinks lots of water because they were sick. To make it more fun, I made a little sticker chart for them to fill in during the day to encourage them to drink more. At one point Kinsley looked at Callan and said, "Bring it on, Callan!"

While laughing I asked her where she heard that saying before.  She said, "That's from The Lorax."

Yep!  She's my little movie quoter!

Another quote from our girl...
Gene: Do you want dressing on your salad?
Kinsley: No, I just want it real.

Also, when she doesn't like what I just told her to do, she says, "Mommy! That is not the deal! This is the deal..." (and she will continue to tell me what she would rather do.)

conversation from today...
"Daddy, Callan won't let me play Wii with him and that really hurts my feelings. And when your best friend won't let you play with him, that would really hurt a person' s feelings, ya know?"

And a random phrase from Christmas break:
"I like to play my Leap Pad really real every day."

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