15 February 2011

time to brag

Time to brag!  My husband is amazing!  He can plan some fun date nights, but his forte is planning for special events, like Valentine's Day.  

Yesterday I woke up to a heart made of Australian flags and an envelope with seeds to plant an Australian tree taped to the bathroom mirror (each flag had a sweet message written on the back).  There was also a fake plane ticket to Australia (which really had me fooled/freaked-out for a minute...or two), telling me that the day was going to be an Australian adventure.  

Gene also took it upon himself to get us a baby-sitter for the evening.  I didn't have to call around at all!  He did it himself.  We left early (4:45pm) for dinner at Outback Steak House to beat the rush (we got seated right away...20 minutes later the entry-way was FULL of people).  We had GREAT service, and they even handed out a flower to all the women who ate there last night.  Nice touch.  

When we got home he gave me a package.  It was the romance movie, Australia, with Hugh Jackman and Nicole Kidman.  We had seen this a few years ago and loved it.  Before starting the movie, though, he gave me several love poems that he had found that had been written by an Aussie.  Then he topped it off by reading me a poem that he had written himself.  

Babe, thanks for a wonderful evening that made me feel more like a wife than a mom.  It's always good to be reminded that my role extends beyond diaper changing and nose wiping.

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