07 February 2012

a few kinsley tales...

We were in a public restroom the other day when this conversation took place:

Me: Kinsley, don't touch ANYTHING.  I'll help you get onto the potty.
Kinsley: while holding her snack bowl, she goes and touches the toilet seat
Me: NO!  Don't touch ANYTHING!  It's very dirty in here.
Kinsley: turns around and touches the toilet handle
Kinsley: (looks me straight in the eye and says with attitude...) I'm touching my bowl. 

It's been really rough around here at dinner time lately.  Most dinners end with Kinsley in tears because she won't touch any vegetable on her plate, and therefore doesn't get dessert.  Tonight, though, was a different story.  I made these carrots, potatoes and crab cakes.  Kinsley instantly ate all the carrots on her plate AND ASKED FOR MORE!  I immediately grabbed most of the carrots off everyone's plate and gave them to her.  If my daughter wanted more carrots, she was going to get them!  She also ate all of her crab cake and her brother's.  She deserved that cookie she shoved in her mouth after dinner.

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