26 March 2012

thank you for serving me

Conversation at the breakfast table...

Me: Callan, can you please go get Kinsley's cup for her in the living room?
C: Sure!  (jumps up from table and begins to go to living room)
Me:  Kinsley, tell Callan, "Thank you for serving me." 
K: Thank you for serving me!
C: (comes back with her cup and hands it to her) Here ya go, Kinsley.
K: Thank you, Callan.
C: Say, "Thank you for serving me."
(I busted up at this point.  It was so cute but so funny at the same time.)

Later that same day at snack time...

C: Can I have some more crackers, Mommy?
Me: Sure.  I'll give you three more.  That's it.  We'll have supper soon.
C:  Ok.  Thank you.
Me: Here, Kins.  Since I gave Callan more, here are two more for you, too.
(At this point I walked out of the room.  A few minutes later Kins came up to me and said in the cutest, most sincere voice I've ever heard out of her mouth...)
K: Mommy, thank you for serving me.

What can I say!  This girl loves her food....so giving her two extra crackers probably was the best way I could serve her.  At least they are learning what it looks like to serve one another. 

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