28 March 2012

today's snapshot...thick, thicker, thickest

After every pregnancy, my hair just keeps getting thicker.  When I got my hair cut in November, my hair dresser told me that taking prenatal vitamins will thicken your hair.  That explains it.  I've basically been pregnant or nursing for the past 4 years, which means I've been popping in a prenatal vitamin like candy each day.  

The thickness of my hair has become so unbelievable that my hairdresser exclaims dozens of times during my visit, "I've never seen such thick hair before!"  My shower routine has doubled in length just because of all the trouble I have to go to to wash it, condition it, comb it, and dry it.  And then, after all that trouble, it usually ended up in a ponytail because my 7-month old loved to play with it. 

So, off with my hair!  I got rid of about 5-6 inches last night.  I feel so free!  Even after she cut all that off last night, we were still exclaiming, "It's still SO THICK!"  She said she uses about two-thirds of a tube of dye on a normal person's hair.  Last night she had to use 2 tubes on me just to coat this monster on my head.  Sheesh!

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