03 July 2013

a summer snapshot of the kids

--acts like he knows everyone...very cordial towards others.  Makes sure to say "hi" and "bye" to everyone he meets.  We were walking through our neighborhood tonight back to our house after playing with some other families on the block.  Finn made sure to go out of his way to walk up to everyone to say "bye."
--obsessed with buckles.  Makes it hard to draw him away from his car seat or highchair.
--Whenever you ask him what time it is, he always responds with "49."  This past weekend we were meeting some new people at my parent's church.  One lady asked Finn how old he was.  Without flinching, he looked at her and said, "49."

--loves to "mother" Finn...not in a bad way but in a helpful way (which I'm very thankful for!)
--loves to sing songs from Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood
--hates to sleep alone (has figured out that she's the only one in the house who sleeps by herself since her brother's sleep together in the "boys' room") 
--still loves to eat, eat and eat some more!!
--loves the water and is not afraid to go under and get her face wet
--loves digging for bugs

--The other day I was playing a game with him.  For some reason (I can't remember) we were talking about how he'll be a good daddy some day when he grows up.  His reply was, "Yeah.  And I'll drive a van.  Or maybe a tow truck.  Yeah, I want to drive a tow truck."
--loves riding his new bike
--loves watching soccer with Daddy

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