24 April 2015

cake and tears

Just want to remember these gems from the kids....

(1) Finn is in a stage where he puts "ed" on the end of everything when he talks in past tense:
"Mommy and me maked your birthday cake, Daddy."

(2) Tonight after dinner we had Gene's birthday cake. The kids wanted a second piece, but we never give them extra dessert (right before bedtime!). Well, tonight I said, "Ok! Everyone can have a second piece of cake!" You would have thought they won the lottery! And here were their reactions:

Finn: shoveled it in before mom changed her mind.

Kins: laughed so hard because she's overly giddy and immensely surprised at the HUGE 2nd piece of pure sugar daddy just gave her. (Seriously, her face was priceless. The picture doesn't do it justice.)

Callan: also laughed so hard at the HUGE 2nd piece daddy gave him... which turned into tears of laughter... which quickly turned into real tears. We could not get him to stop sobbing! We couldn't figure out what was wrong. Finally Gene got him to talk and Callan said that it was too kind of daddy to give him that much cake that he couldn't accept it. Seriously. That. Kid! He obviously takes after me and my incredible selflessness (pardon while Gene chokes on his cake after hearing that).

Those three responses from the kids could not have been more spot on with their personalities.

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