25 July 2006

Huston Care Group Retreat

Gene and I have the privilege of leading a Singles Care Group from our church. This past Saturday we had a Care Group retreat at a local park. It was so much fun! Much laughter was displayed...which meant many awkward stares from bikers and runners passing by. Our day started out with time in God's Word. Our focus was on "Meeting with God," where we studied a message that had been given by a pastor from our church, John Loftness. We discussed the importance of having consistent quiet times in God's Word on a daily basis. After a lunch break, we headed back to the park for "The Huston CG Summer 2006 Olympics." Some events that took place were: Balloon Chuck, Egg Equilibrium, Blind Bartimaeus, Toe Talent, Sponge Bob, Wobbly Wanderer, and (of course) 3-Legged Dash. Enjoy some of the picture highlights from our day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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