02 August 2006

Ode to Phil

Name: Phil
Hometown: Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania
Current Residence: 5 Lee street Gaithersburg, MD
Former Occupation: Weather forecaster (one day only)
Present Occupation: Huston Mascot
Species: Mormota Monax commonly known as Groundhog, Woodchuck, or Earth Pig

Other than simply matching our purple kitchen and looking cool, Phil likes to travel with us to many places. He is ecstatic about venturing to Cali with us. Unlike most groundhogs he seldom gets car sick. Phil isn't just for February 2nd. He is our family mascot, on our flag, and a fun lovin' fellow. Everyone loves Phil and who wouldn't with his trendy purple bow tie and matching top hat. Phil loves children, marshmallows, wicker basket weaving, and long naps in the park. He is not fond of shadows and loathes turnips and fuzzy dice. Phil looks forward to visiting Punxsutawney this Groundhog's Day!!! So stay tuned for that.

Be sure to play the cross country version of "Where's Phil-do". (It's like Where's Waldo except Phil refuses to wear horizontal stripes because they make his hips look big) Stay tuned.

I leave for a care group leader's retreat in West Virginia tomorrow and then Renee will pick me up Saturday at 1pm thus beginning our epic voyage. See ya from the road...


Anonymous said...

Hey you two! What an exciting married life you live! I'm glad to hear you have your first "pet" - good ole Phil. Have a safe journey across the US. If you stop at Mt. Rushmore, could you get a postcard for me? Oh how I love Honest Abe. Can't wait to read more!

Anonymous said...

Wow, you have alot of time on your hands... however I don't know that you would do things any differently even if you didn't have much time on your hands.
I love my daily dose of PB&J! Can't wait to live vicariously through your road trip... so greatful for you both! Renee, your dream has come true... you too now have a blog. Hopefully when people see you it isn't the first thing they think of ;)