WE'RE IN CALIFORNIA!! When we last left off we were headed out of Denver, Colorado and pressing on toward Dinosaur, CO. Well we pressed on, but when we got to Dinosaur we found a town that was smaller than Trout Run (my hometown) and later found out its population was 284. Being teachers we found it hilarious that there were 12 kids in Dino Elementary. So we got there around midnight and found there was no room in the inn. The next town and gas station on route 40 was 57 miles further. So we turned around and headed back 20 miles to the thriving "metropolis" (all sarcasm included) of Rangley. But when we inquired of their where abouts of the local hotel we found no v

acancy. Now it was 1am, so we found a pull off half way back to Dinosaur and called it a night. The stupid moon was so bright it was difficult to sleep. To sum up yesterday in a nut shell...visited a cave, went to Dinosaur welcome center found nothing, visited Dinosaur National Monument and saw bones, Renee broke up a Dino fight (see photo), ate a $5.00 large pizza at Little Ceasar's Pizza (which still exists in the west), drove west on 40, took 191 south through Utah (stunning scenery), took 10 south back to 70, passed through Vegas last night (saw the neon signs from route 15), and cashed in our chips at Wiskey Pete's in the town of Primm on the Nevada/California border. (Sorry, Holly...Dinosaur was 257 miles from Moab, maybe next time. We did see a sign for it, though, and thought of you!) We a

re now about 30 minutes from Renee's Aunt and Uncle's place in L.A. at Panera in Fontana, Cali. We'll be unloading and planning out our next few days of relaxing and seein' the sights from sunny L.A. (Today's blog was brought to you in part by Dinosaur Ritz crackers, Mt. Dew, the number 15 and viewers like you.)
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