So it's been asked of me by several loyal viewers...."Okay we now understand why you call you blog Peanutbutter and Jelly, but what's up with that "E"?"
Well to explain this we need to step back in the past about 7 years to a time before now.....My best friend Tom and I were in college and like many college boys we were interested in someday hopefully getting ourselves a respectable wife (Which is funny because we didn't always act wife worthy.) So like typical guys with no options we devised a way to sort "all of our options". We liked girls, but they didn't know it. So we devised this method of talking shorthand to talk about "options" so that no one knew what we were talking about. Still you may be asking..."Why the E? Tell us already!" Okay. Calm down and I will. So it was a lovely spring day when I first added Renee (note the spelling of her name) to my list. Which at that actual moment in time was the only one on my list. The problem was that there was another Renae on our dorm floor that Tom and I would talk about. Note that this "other Renae" has an "A" in her name and my Renee has an "E". So thus began a long series of Tom/Gene conversations around A & E (not to be confused with the television network) So many years and many letters later, Renee took no interest in me...so Tom began referring to me and GN because I "had lost my E's". Tom too lost a letter too, but that's a story for a future time. Then low and behold God worked in mysterious ways and E married me, thus we ended up here...having a blog site called "peanutbutterandjell-E." (I still sign my emails gEnE because I still reflect of the time I had lost my E's and how grateful I am to have them back!) That my inquisitive viewers is the reason for the "oddly placed E." Hope that helps. Keep asking questions and we'll do our best to answer them.
In other news, tonight is a very exciting event! We will be going to eat at my personal favorite restaurant, The Bugaboo Creek. It's a Canadian themed restaurant with mounted animals, a talkin' buffalo, and tales of Mountie adventure, plus the best smashed potatoes and steak anywhere around! They also have a heavenly seafood dip and the Bigfoot cookie contains nothing but ooey gooey goodness. We'll be partaking of this wonderful meal with our friends from Hanover, Pa.... Josh and Amy Stratton. Pics to follow.
1 comment:
Mmmm...steak. I remember you guys always used to hit up the Bugaboo Creek when Josh would visit. Funny thing is, I actually suggested to Rach that we make a dinner visit there tonight...but she turned me down. So you can blame her that we didn't have a happy little semi-random reunion. Enjoy, and say hello to the moose for me (and Josh).
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