17 December 2006


Well, we know we have been slackers here at the Huston household on keeping up with the blog. Many more important things have occupied our time this past week, though. I have been deathly sick. Each day after work this week (since Wednesday) I'd come home and sleep on the couch until Gene came home. And then he'd order me to go to bed, and I'd sleep until the next morning. I have to say a special "thank you" to my loving husband who has gotten up with me in the middle of the night the past few nights and jumped out of bed, ready to serve me at even 3:00 in the morning! He never complained, even after hearing, "Babe, can you pass me a new tissue box again?"

Each day the over the counter meds didn't seem to be helping, so finally (after missing out on a wedding, a girls' movie night, church, lunch out with friends, and our Married CG Christmas party...all of which I was supposed to go to this weekend) I decided to head to the ER today to get some drugs. So, with my "horse pills" (that's what the nurse affectionately called them) and Codeine Syrup in hand...I think I'll get all drugged up and head to bed...again. Only 4 days of work this week....

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