20 June 2007

We're still alive

I know we've not been around the "blogging world" lately. That's because last week Gene and I were both finishing up end-of-the-school-year stuff, report cards, student portfolios, both of us doing grad school homework, and babysitting for our favorite two month year old, baby JMarc! Needless to say we've been wiped out from last week so this week has been a much needed time of rest and catch-up around the apartment. This is the only week that Gene and I have off together until August, so we're enjoying every minute of it! No vacations planned for this week, but staying up until midnight and not getting up until 9:30-10:ooish has been great! (We're just enjoying these types of days before we decide to venture into parenthood where gone are the days of sleeping in!)

Maybe we'll post something worth reading later this week.....or maybe not. We'll be in the mountains of PA this weekend with our Singles' Care Group for a retreat, so....."over the river and through the woods to the Trout Run cabin we go...."

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