04 September 2007

Kicking, Stretching, and Hiccuping

Here's the new baby update that I got for this week through email:

--the fig-sized baby is now fully formed, measuring 1 1/2 inches long and weighing a quarter of an ounce.
--the baby's skin is still transparent, allowing his blood vessels to show through
--some of his bones are beginning to harden
--his fingers and toes have separated, and he may soon be able to open and close his fists
--he's busy kicking and stretching, but because he's still so small, you won't feel any of his aquatic workouts for another month or so
--as your baby's diaphragm develops, he may also start getting the hiccups

Every time I read a report like this, it brings tears to my eyes! What a mighty God to create something so intricate and wonderful! It continues to amaze me...


Laura said...

God is so good . It has been so neat to hear about that lil' babe growing ;) I already have my guess about what it is. But you might not want me to tell you b/c it might ruin the surprise (I'm a good guesser!) Hehe!

Anonymous said...

Wait til you can actually feel and see the baby moving! It's such an awesome feeling!