01 January 2008

Well done good and faithful servant

As you know my wife is a teacher and has been doing the thing she loves for five and a half years. I respect her for using her giftings as a teacher to bless multiple years of students at Urbana Elementary. But now she has just 35 days left until her greatest desire in life will be realized, she will step down as a teacher and prepare for motherhood.

So to help her "run the race" for the next 35 days we made a blue and pink chain for her to break as a countdown. I've also

tried to encourage and bless my wife with a Scripture, silly poem, etc each day. So on the wall above our couch hangs the countdown chain which will begin is dissembling tomorrow morning before school. Go wife go! Your almost there!

1 comment:

Mama-cita Whitney said...

i love it! what a neat blessing!!!