12 February 2008

It's beginning to feel a lot like....PARENTHOOD!

Today marked a new milestone in our journey towards parenthood. Gene and I picked up our Pack 'n Play, stroller, and car seat. There's something about pushing a stroller out of Babies R Us and packing it up to put into your own van that screams "WARNING: NEW PARENTS COMIN' THROUGH!"

We've had some complications with choosing a stroller and car seat. We registered for one style, but then it got discontinued. So we registered for another style, but Gene and I were not excited about the style. So we went to another store that we weren't registered at and found a style that we both liked, but the stroller was out of stock. For some reason they had two floor models of this particular style out on display, so the manager allowed us to buy one off the floor for a discounted price!

I'm posting these pictures mostly for my mom to see, as I know she's the only one who really cares what styles we picked out. It's also so that she can see what she got us, since the Pack 'n Play is a gift from my parents. Gene and I just had to pick it up from the store.

(Gene was particularly excited about this stroller/car seat combo because it matched his sneakers.....haha!)


Beth said...

I care! I care! All of your purchases look great! I love the vibrant colors you chose. :) I can hardly wait to see Baby Huston breaking in the new baby gear!

kater's mom said...

i care too. i feel hugely aweful about missing half your shower!!! I love to read all your posts!!! and katelyn loves to look at all the pictures!