12 August 2008

An 80's Pencil Collection

Last week at my parents' house my sister and I went through a closet that was packed full of childhood stuff (more like "junk" but my sister would beg to differ). It was basically 2+ hours of me trying to convince my sister that it was time that she let go of her elementary school pencil and eraser collection. She ended up taking home most of the stuff to sell at a yard sale: school notebooks from the 80's, gold prom shoes, old stuffed animals, etc. It was a hilarious time together. Here are some pictures of our evening.


Brian, Tawnee, Avery and Caitlin said...
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Brian, Tawnee, Avery and Caitlin said...

You didn't have to convince me to get rid of my collections. I willingly threw them out. And most of the stuff that I brought home I'm donating. So don't make everyone think I'm a packrat because I'm certainly not! haha I didn't even know I still had most of that stuff in the closet.

Ali said...

she threw out all of those pencils????? I SO could have used them in my first grade prize box!! haha just kidding.....see you soon

Renee said...

No, we didn't throw them out. haha You can always use more pencils, right?