28 August 2008

I miss you, Daddy!

I really miss you when you leave for work in the morning. I love spending time with Mommy, but she always smiles really big and says, "You are just TOO CUTE!" I like having "guy time" with you. Mommy said that you have to go to work even though you don't want to. I know that you'd rather be at home playing with me. Mommy and I both agree that your 4th grade students are lucky because they get to see you all day long.

I put my penguin shirt on for you today. I know that your classroom is all decorated in penguins because you love them. Mommy said it's because you are obsessed with Antarctica. Will you teach me about that place some day? I want to learn all the random facts that you know. Mommy said you know a lot of random facts that normal people don't know. I can't wait to learn from you!

I hope you are having a good first week of school, Daddy! (I know you aren't at work right now. Mommy said you're at the Redskin's game with Uncle Del. Boy, would Uncle Aaron be jealous to hear that!) I'll be here waiting for you when you get home...

My cute penguin outfit for Daddy
(Mommy said I look like a little man in these jeans)

I love to lean forward and stand on my head

I love you, Daddy!

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