15 August 2008

Taking "Couponing" to a New Level

I can already picture my husband laughing at me. He's been away all day with two of his friends, which means I've had ample time to complete one of my projects on my "to-do" list. I've been reading a blog called Keeping the Kingdom First. The author did a post on how she keeps track of all of her coupons. I've recently picked up "couponing," and they have been piling up quickly. My envelope method is not working anymore. I decided to try out Alyssa's coupon filing method: a Coupon Binder.

Today Callan and I trudged out in the pouring rain to go to Walmart so I could pi
ck up a few supplies to make my own Coupon Binder. Alyssa is giving away a prize to one lucky coupon fanatic on Saturday if they blog and leave pictures of their own coupon filing method. Here's the final product that I'm 100% sure Gene will laugh at (since he already thinks my coupon habits are somewhat ridiculous), but I have been saving money!

The front of the binder, with pockets to keep my pens, scissors, and calculator

Inside front cover: pockets to keep store ads/fliers
Right-hand side: 4x6 photo pockets labeled by store to keep coupons that I'll pull before going to that store
I decided to file all the coupons alphabetically. We'll see if this method works best or not. Most people file them by category. I already had these ABC dividers, so they were free!

I filed my coupons using trading card holders so that I can quickly flip through and see all the coupons without digging them out of envelopes.

In the back of my binder I used the trading card holders again to put coupons that I have for specific stores (Target coupons, CVS ECBs, Giant, etc.)

In the back there is a pocket for extra stuff...rebates, etc.


Anonymous said...

I guess this takes the place of organizing a classroom :)

Trina said...

Haha! I have the same binder in pink from Walmart!

Nice job. My hubby thought I was a crazy coupon lady at first, but now he brags to people about how much money I save. Give your hubby some time, he might just start braggin on you ;)

Anonymous said...

I hope I'm never behind you in line at the grocery store!

Mama-cita Whitney said...

this cracks me up!!! perhaps william can give gene a call and they can swap stories about how crazy their wives are with couponing!!

oh- did you get a good deal for the items you purchased?

miss you, lady!

Campbell said...

That is insane, darling. did gene laugh? you got one from me!