17 November 2008

Friends Before Birth

This is Hannah. Hannah's mom and I met in our hospital birthing class. We became instant friends and now our kids have, too! Hannah and Callan had the same due date, but Hannah decided to come out about 20 days early and Callan decided to hang on for an extra 10 days (hence his laid-back personality...just like his daddy).

So, I guess you could say that Hannah and Callan have been friends even before birth. She's the most adorable little thing you've ever seen. Here are some pictures of them playing together.

A great shot of her bald head!

"Callan, I'm just going to use you to push off of as I try to stand up."

"Don't you love my penguin, Hannah?"

"Yes, I do, Callan. In fact I think I'll take it to play with now."

"Mommy, I'm sharing my toys with Hannah!"

"Mommy, why is she head-butting me?!"
(my favorite picture...we all got a kick out of this!)

1 comment:

Alexis said...

Awww...so cute! :)
I'm glad Hannah could teach Callan the art of standing up on his own. Now you can join the "I have gray hair before I'm thirty club!"