27 November 2008

Holiday Tradions - The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly - Part I

When REnee and I first got married she wanted us to come up with holiday traditions for our family. She said what exactly does your family do during this festive season. I tried really hard to come up with something great so I said, "When butcher pigs over Thanksgiving, watch football and then go play Frisbee Football in the snow before going deer hunting on Monday."

She responded hesitantly with an "Oh" or an "Uh...okay"

I said we get out mom's fake Christmas tree, decorate it with a mismash of ornaments and then of course we eat a lot.

We'll start with the Bad tradition

So it was our first Thanksgiving as we ventured into the mountains of Trout Run. We got up early and helped mom put the turkeys that were thawing in mom's bathtub into the oven. We helped cook and prepare for the meal when 30 -40 people would decend to feast.

Fast forward to the meal, some of the cousins went into the Thanksgiving tradition of eating as much as possible. So we all went into the bathroom and stepped on the scale. Weights were written on a tablet and we went back to the table for prayers. Afterwards the clock was set and those whose weights were entered began to gorge. The timer was set for 30 minutes and turkey, gravy, and mashed potatoes met their fate at the far end of the table. After 30 minutes, when time was up, we went back into the bathroom and "weighed out". I felt short of my personal goal of 5lbs, but ended with 4.5lbs gained in 30 minutes. I was a glorious victory for me, but as I looked across the diningroom at my bride of less than a month I noticed that she wasn'y as happy at my victory. Thus was my best and my last Thanksgiving Day eating competition.

There will be more holiday traditions to come, old ones, new ones, propsed ones and extinct ones like Holiday Gorging.

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