01 December 2008

8 Months Old

Another month has flown by. Callan is 8 months old today already. Month #7 brought a lot of new adventures for Callan.

--He learned how to crawl on all fours (his army crawl is quickly fading away).
--He learned how to pull himself up to a standing position while holding on to something.
--He now has SIX teeth.
--He waves.
--Gene taught him how to give high-fives.
--He learned how to take his pants off when he's mad that Mommy put him down for a nap when he doesn't want to go down.
--His favorite toy of the month is a red plastic cup. Kept him occupied for hours during Thanksgiving at Gene's mom's house.

Something else that I learned today is that being pregnant with Callan actually made me a little less blind. Gene laughs at how blind I am without my contacts or glasses. The big, bright red alarm clock is just a blur to me in the morning. Well, today at my eye dr.'s appointment I told her that my eyesight was fading again and needed her to adjust my contacts. She told me that the reason I couldn't see was because my contacts were too STRONG! She said pregnancy can do that to a woman. If that's true, maybe we'll have 20 more kids just to see if I can get my eyesight back into "normal" range.

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