19 November 2008

We're in trouble now!

Well, the boy decided that he's got this whole crawling thing down, so he decided to begin another new challenge...standing! So, as of Sunday, Callan can now pull himself up to a standing position within seconds. He's gotten so good at it that he can even play with a toy in one hand while holding on to the coffee table with the other. He also loves to stand in his crib and chew on the railing...and scream instead of nap. Fun, fun! Tonight I even tried putting him in one of those sleep sacks instead of regular pajamas, because I thought it would thwart his plans of standing up in the crib instead of sleeping. Well, somehow Mr. Smartypants found a way to still pull himself up without full use of his legs. What a Goober! (that's my nickname for him)

Here are some pictures that I took of him when I caught him playing under the chair the other day...


Anonymous said...

Hang on.... Relief (Nana) is on the way!


Kristin said...

It'll take some time, but it's such a relief when he learns to bend to sit back down rather than just let go!