Gene is convinced that we are having a girl this time, because several things have been different during this pregnancy than my last one with Callan. He said that the biggest difference is how I speak my mind so freely. He said that it's not that I'm complaining, but whatever thoughts come to my mind, I say them out loud. The thoughts sometimes come in long strands, too. For instance, here is a sampling of our conversation last night before we fell asleep in bed:
(italics = Gene's responses)
(Me getting into bed where Gene is already laying reading a book...) Oh, are you going to read before bed tonight?Are you almost done with that chapter or are you going to be awhile?Should I just go to sleep or wait for you to finish? I just have a page and a half left. Oh, ok.I'll just lay here for a minute then.I might fall asleep, though.Are you excited about your field trip tomorrow?Are all of your kids going or do you have some that aren't allowed to go?Do you have any kids that are "flight-risks" like before, who may run away from you while you are on the trip? Babe, can you just give me a second. You are trying to talk to me while I'm trying to finish one more page in my book.
(Realizing right then how all my questions were annoying him, I decided to go over the top and start shooting a thousand questions at him at once to see if I'd get a giggle out of him. It went something like this...) Oh, ok.I'll stop talking now.I know you want to finish your book.Are you excited about the field trip, though?What are you going to wear?What are you going to take for lunch?Are you going to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich?Maybe just a peanut butter one with no jelly?We have turkey lunch meat, too, with cheese that you can take if you'd rather have that.I think the cheese is muenster.Maybe it's provolone.I'm not sure.I think you'd like either kind though.
At this point he turned to look at me and I lost it...I started laughing and he laughed, too (thankfully). But, after he finished his book and the lights were off, I continued...
So, what did you think about that Jon and Kate Plus 8 episode tonight?Do you think Jon and Kate Plus 8 will get a divorce?That's so sad.They portrayed themselves as Christians but it's so sad to see them going downhill. First of all, "Jon and Kate Plus 8" aren't getting a divorce. Jon and Kate might be getting a divorce. And, yes, I think that if Kate decides she wants to continue with the show then that might be a deal breaker. I think he might leave her then. Yeah, I agree with you.I think it sounds like she either has to choose between her marriage or continuing the show. (Gene finally lost it...) Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
Goodnight. I love you.
I love you, too.
Hahaha...I would love to be around for some of those conversations. :)
Different pregnancy means nothing! Jess's is way different and she's having another girl. Can't wait to find out though!
Ha ha! You are so funny! I was putting away some of Hannah's clothes that are too small yesterday and I was thinking how if you have a girl, you have hit the jackpot of cute clothes from Hannah's closet! She has SO many clothes. I also watched Jon and Kate last sad. :(
Who's Jon and Kate....?
Jon and Kate are the husband and wife on the tv show on TLC called "Jon and Kate Plus 8" (they have 8 children).
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