11 August 2011

Callan conversations

When he first held Fintan in the hospital (when Fintan was wrapped in a blanket)...
C: (looking concerned) Mommy, where's Fintan's feet?
Me: They are under the blanket.
C: Oh, ok.

Today when Callan saw me trying to nurse Fintan (I was "hiding" myself as best I could)...
C: Mommy, what are you doing?
Me: I'm feeding Fintan supper now.  He needs to eat, too, just like you ate supper tonight.
C:  Oh.  How are you feeding him?
Me: He's drinking milk from Mommy.
C:  How did you get milk in your belly, Mommy?  (He thought I was feeding Fintan from my stomach.)
Me:  God put the milk in Mommy so I could give it to Fintan.
C: Oh.

I'm obviously going to have to keep on my toes and think fast with all the questions that Big Brother is going to keep coming up with!  Smart boy...

1 comment:

Ali said...

At least he is already a boy so when you do diaper changes it won't be odd to him (although maybe Kinsley will ask) like Alex did: Mommy, what's that bump where Camden goes potty?