26 July 2006

Why the Antarctica Link?

Well as some may know I have quite an affection for the frozen continent. How that all started I'm not totally sure, but here's where I trace it back to. In high school I remember a small affection, but then I decided that it'd be cool to venture there one day. So it all snowballed in college when my friend Del and I began an open mic night band called, "The Pocket Gophers". I would write some silly, yet quirkily intriguing songs that Del and I would sing at open mic night. (We were far from professionals.) Anyway during our second go round I wrote a song about Antarctica and it went over okay. The following year Tom joined the band and Del faded into the background. Tom refused to play songs that didn't sound at least half way decent so he tweaked it and made it sound decent. People really enjoyed it. So from that I decided that it'd be cool (all pun intended) to travel to Antarctica. I've read a lot of books and watched some movies about explorers there and fell in love with its raw beauty. So after college I saved up my money and was planning in heading south during Christmas break December 2004. But the Antarctica fund was needed in April of '04 for an engagement ring, so it all worked out. I still love the frozen continent and it's the theme of my classroom at school and we have a huge 1912 replica map hangin' in our entrance way (it even matches Renee's decor. So from time-to-time I'm sure I'll share random, yet extremely important facts about the greatest continent of them all, ANTARCTICA!!! (Coming soon...Song lyrics to Antarctica and other popular Pocket Gopher songs plus live "concert" photos)


Anonymous said...

Hello Gene? Rene? Is that you?
It's your uncle Jim wondering, just exactly, what is this all about?

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I ment "Renee"

Gene said...

We thought this would be a good way to keep everyone posted on our happenings... be sure to tune in for our cross country adventure in August. We'll be posting along the way!

Tom said...

Why can't there be peace in the middle east...?

Anonymous said...

Nice idea with this site its better than most of the rubbish I come across.